To Keep African Swine Fever Out, Denmark is Planning a Southern (Boar)der Fence

To Keep African Swine Fever Out, Denmark is Planning a Southern (Boar)der Fence

As U.S. politicians continue to spar over the idea of building a border wall, Denmark is preparing its own controversial southern border-control barrier. The target is wild boars — specifically, wild boars from Germany. But environmentalists warn the planned 5 ft.-high, 40-mile fence will harm…

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Love Your Sourdough Starter? In Stockholm You Can Hire a Sitter for it.

Ah, Stockholm: the only city in the world (we think) with such a meticulous dedication to artisinal bread that it’s possible to hire a baby sitter for your sourdough starter. Sourdough starter — a fermented mix of flour, water and procreating microorganisms — is the…

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BLOG: When Danish Cows See Fresh Spring Pasture, They Jump For Joy

“They’re running a little late,” chides an elderly gentleman, tapping his watch at 12:02 p.m. He’s come to this farm near the Danish city of Ikast, along with about 1,500 others, to celebrate what has become something of a national holiday in Denmark. It’s the…

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BLOG: When is Cinnamon Spice Not So Nice?

Who doesn’t love a Danish pastry? And in Denmark, they like their pastries sprinkled with plenty of cinnamon. But now, Denmark’s bakers are being told that their time-honored recipe for the beloved kanelsnegle — or cinnamon swirl — may be unhealthy and against the law….

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BLOG: Pork Politics. Why Some Danes Want Pig Meat Required On Menus

In Denmark, pigs outnumber people 2 to 1. No traditional Danish meal would be complete without something wrapped in, wrapped around, or topped with pork. In 2012, the country exported close to $6 billion in pig meat, a figure that includes “” — which leads…

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AIR/BLOG: Danes May Bring Back Butter As Government Rolls Back ‘Fat Tax’

Yes, those are my teeth marks. Toothbutter: noun. Butter spread so thickly as to reveal teeth marks upon biting. The fact that this word exists in the Danish language should help to explain what politicians were up against when they the “fat tax” just over…

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BLOG: Christmas Comes Early for Denmark’s Beer Drinkers

In the U.S., Thanksgiving marks the unofficial start of the race to Christmas (unless you happen to decorate department stores, then it starts in October). But in Denmark, the Christmas race starts tonight. J-Day, as it’s known, is the momentous occasion when at exactly 8:59…

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AIR/BLOG: Nordic Cuisine. Moving Beyond The Meatballs And Pickled Fish

For many people, the phrase “Scandinavian food” probably doesn’t bring much to mind beyond the Ikea food court. For those who do have a connection with these Northern European countries, the mental image is probably smothered in gravy with a side of potatoes. But if…

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