In Denmark, Fears Grow Among Syrian Asylum-Seekers As Residence Permits Are Revoked

In Denmark, Fears Grow Among Syrian Asylum-Seekers As Residence Permits Are Revoked

In 2019, Danish authorities issued a report stating that the security situation in some parts of Syria had “improved significantly.” Last year, that report was used as justification to begin reevaluating hundreds of Danish residence permits granted to Syrian refugees from the area around and including the…

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Facing Eviction, Residents Of Denmark’s ‘Ghettos’ Are Suing The Government

Facing Eviction, Residents Of Denmark’s ‘Ghettos’ Are Suing The Government

Asif Mehmood moved to his neighborhood in the Nørrebro district of Copenhagen back in 1994, shortly after immigrating to Denmark from Pakistan. At the time, few ethnic Danes wanted to live there. “A lot of bad things were happening,” he says. Nørrebro has a long history…

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In Denmark’s Election, A Shift to the Left- Unlike Much of Europe

In Denmark’s Election, A Shift to the Left- Unlike Much of Europe

Europe’s once-powerful Social Democratic parties have been losing steam for decades, a trend that continued in the recent European Parliament elections. In Germany, the party’s leader quit after particularly terrible results. But in Denmark, the Social Democrats are holding their own and appear poised to take back the…

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Ahead Of Elections, A Swedish City Reflects The Country’s Ambivalence On Immigration

Ahead Of Elections, A Swedish City Reflects The Country’s Ambivalence On Immigration

On Sunday, Swedes will vote in national elections for the first time since a wave of immigration changed the country’s tone of debate. Sweden began opening its doors to hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers after the last election, in 2014. Since then, well over 300,000 people…

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In Denmark’s Plan To Rid Country Of ‘Ghettos,’ Some Immigrants Hear ‘Go Home’

In Denmark’s Plan To Rid Country Of ‘Ghettos,’ Some Immigrants Hear ‘Go Home’

FULL STORY AT NPR.ORG In a move aimed at ensuring an integrated Denmark without “parallel societies” and to protect “Danishness,” the Danish government recently released a plan to rid the country in the next 12 years of areas it officially calls “ghettos.” In Denmark, the word “ghetto”…

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AIR: Migrants Enter Denmark, Determined To Reach Sweden

According to European rules, refugees are supposed to seek asylum in the first country they reach. That hasn’t always been possible in the chaos of the past few weeks. Since Sunday, an estimated 3,000 people have crossed the border into Denmark, but most of them…

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BLOG: Pork Politics. Why Some Danes Want Pig Meat Required On Menus

In Denmark, pigs outnumber people 2 to 1. No traditional Danish meal would be complete without something wrapped in, wrapped around, or topped with pork. In 2012, the country exported close to $6 billion in pig meat, a figure that includes “” — which leads…

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